Latin America. Next Tuesday, July 17, AVI LATINOAMÉRICA and Charmex will hold a new webinar in which the key characteristics of these devices will be exposed, showing the great business opportunity that we live in these times.
Technical aspects and the rapid evolution they are having will be analyzed, to advance in the analysis of success stories in Europe, where monitors have revolutionized the way of communicating in some companies and educational centers.
As presented for this webinar will be Daniel Galindo, Product Manager of Interactive Monitors, who is a professional in the Audiovisual sector with more than 25 years of experience.
For 10 years, he promoted his own project in the audiovisual sector specializing in the education market, taking advantage of the great opportunity offered by technological change in the classroom. He is currently part of Charmex Internacional S.A for 3 years as responsible for interactive monitors, both for education and the company.
This virtual seminar will be held at 10:00 am Bogotá / Lima / Mexico City time; 12:00 Buenos Aires and São Paulo.
To register for this webinar, click here.