International. According to Philips' sustainability strategy, outlined in its EcoVision program, by 2015 50% of the company's products must be green and the lighting segment plays a fundamental role.
According to the company's 2011 management report, during the past year they presented about 4,000 products for lighting called green, being the segment with the highest product development that accompanied the green strategy during that period.
Jim Andrew, chairman of the Sustainability Council and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, explained that the goal of green products will surely be met, because during 2011 the percentage was 39%.
In total, during the last year Philips invested 479 million euros in sustainable innovation. Of these, about 60% were allocated to research and development in lighting, with an investment of 291 million euros.
Among last year's developments in terms of sustainable lighting, the CityTouch stands out, a remote management system of outdoor lighting that allows dynamic control and provides light exactly in the places and times when it is necessary, achieving energy savings close to 70%.
For the full Philips sustainability report, click here.