Colombia. The Procinal chain of movie theaters began the digitization of its theaters throughout Colombia, installing the latest technology and starting with the one that opened in 2008 in the Plaza de Las Américas shopping center, in Bogotá.
This intervention includes the renovation of analog projectors for the latest in digital projection technology, screens for 3D films and the sound system. The estimated investment exceeds US$800,000.
A total of 62 speakers were installed in the sound system, five for each channel and 32 subwoofers. The screen, which weighs about a ton, measures 21 x 29 meters, thus ensuring a high-quality system for a room that has a capacity of 603 people per function.
In statements to local media, Jorge Enrique Gutiérrez, General Manager of Cinemas Procinal, said that the intention is to aim for the maximum in quality, an experience without equal in the country, which will take cinema to another level.
The official added that this room in Bogotá becomes the largest in Central and South America. For the intervention, which was in charge of the Canadian engineer Mark Peers, it was necessary the participation of 60 professionals from different areas, such as lectricists, plumbers, sound engineers.