Colombia. D2L, the EdTech company that created Brightspace, announced the next generation of its learning platform designed to develop smarter students and increase graduation rates. By including a user interface for teachers and bringing adaptive learning to the masses, Brightspace is more flexible, intelligent, and easier to use.
With this release of Brightspace D2L, teachers are back on time to enable them to do what they love most: Inspire and reach students with a more accessible and easy-to-use platform.
New Teacher User Interface: D2L reveals a new interface for teachers making the Brightspace platform more intuitive than other solutions on the market and extremely easy to use with processes such as start-up checklists and drag-and-drop course creation.
OpenDyslexic Font: Supports the OpenDyslexic font for students and teachers with dyslexia. This font when users choose it as their default source, will make it easier for them to read in the learning system.
Integration with Microsoft Office 365: Brightspace is now more integrated with Microsoft Office 365 so students can check their mail in Outlook, calendar, and OneDrive making it easier for them to stay connected within the learning platform.
Support for Common Cartridge 1.2, 1.3, and Thin Common Cartridge: Uploading content to Brightspace is paramount for teachers so D2L announces the latest amount of standards-based content. Teachers can import content in one step while keeping the process simple and efficient. Brightspace now supports the amount of courses from Common Cartridge 1.2, 1.3 and Thin Common Cartridge.
Easy Management: Brightspace Administration Service provides customers with an option to take advantage of an outsourced management service to help with course, user, and tool administration.
"With this next generation of Brightspace we make it easier than ever for teachers to create fun and interactive courses while leveraging the best content to help students achieve their goals and graduate," said John Baker, CEO of D2L.