Latin America. Service areas are currently facing accelerated changes that require the adoption of various solutions with the ability to provide amazing customer service experiences, also increasing profit margins.
In order to take advantage of the customer journey and help businesses connect with them effectively, Wavetec launched a new line of interactive digital merchandising displays that allow customers to be engaged in the service area and improve the experience.
The Plug and Play device can be located on any island, and has the ability to turn any area with customer traffic into an interactive space of great value, allowing advertising and product promotion opportunities that provide more information to customers about the products being marketed.
The digital screens were developed with rectangular-shaped LCD technology available in two sizes, 42 and 48 inches, with black or silver metal body that plays HD images and videos. Donatello allows various customization alternatives and can be strategically located in different service areas.
Used as digital shelves, Donatello Linea can be used to cultivate positive and interactive experiences. They can be used in shelves, check out areas and service counters considering the relevance of these points of contact for the customer, resulting in an increase in impulsive sales. Donatello Linea comes with different merchandising options and accessories such as shelves and baskets for product placement.