Uruguay. It seems that the sound in the public transport service of the countries of Latin America is becoming a problem of public order, so it can be concluded after the initiatives of different countries that have been known in recent days and that seek to regulate it.
The last country in which a project on this subject was presented was Uruguay. The author of the initiative is Jorge Buriani, a local legislator from Montevideo, the Uruguayan capital, who argues that high volume and musical genres are affecting the performance of drivers.
Therefore, the proposal asks that in the buses of the city the music can not exceed 15 or 20 decibels and, something that has caused controversy in the country, that the only genre that can be heard is classical music, thus prohibiting the reproduction of the traditional and popular genres of the country.
So far, the proposal is being evaluated by the Mobility Commission of the Departmental Board, which if approved will have to be regulated and at that point it will be defined whether or not traditional and popular music is prohibited on buses.
This Uruguayan proposal, which was motivated by the constant complaints of users about the high volume of radios, joins the one presented by the Mayor's Office of Lima, in Peru. In this city, high-volume radios and video screens were banned, but they did not regulate the type of music they can listen to.