Chile. In January 2015 the actors of the Professional AV Industry will be able to train with the two courses that InfoComm International will carry out in the Chilean capital.
The first is the ANSI/INFOCOMM - 1M-2009 Audio Coverage Uniformity in Enclosed Listener Areas - "ACUTM" workshop.
In the workshop participants will learn:
- A correct understanding of the design principles of a sound system for voice reinforcement.
- To understand the procedures for installing and configuring a sound system for voice reinforcement.
- To know which units of measurement and which tools to use for each type of measurement.
- The ability to apply the ACU™ standard in projects and in the verification of sound systems in closed listening areas.
This will be held on January 20 between 8:00 and 12:00 at the Atton el Bosque, Roger de Flor 2770, Las Condes, Santiago. For InfoComm members it costs US$30, while non-members: US$50. Register for this course by clicking here.
InfoComm's second course in January is on AV Network Technology 'Everything an AV/IT Professional Should Know About IT/AV', provided in partnership with Biamp Systems.
It offers AV professionals:
- The opportunity to explore processes and review the information needed to understand how to implement networked AV solutions.
- How to troubleshoot IT networks that support AV systems
- A basic understanding of Information Technology and IP networks.
This course is intended for AV professionals who design, implement, maintain, or manage networked AV systems. It will be held from January 21 to 23 between 8:00 and 18:00 at the Atton el Bosque, Roger de Flor 2770, Las Condes, Santiago.
The cost for InfoComm members is US$225 (with Biamp discount). For non-members: US$425 (with Biamp discount). Register by clicking here.