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LEDs, a spectacle

altThe world of LED screens for the entertainment sector is increasingly competitive and has in technological innovation and installation and maintenance advice its main weapons when it comes to reaching the end user.

By Santiago Jaramillo H.

As is well known, LED screens are now an almost inevitable element in shows or shows, and in the case of outdoor events they can do things that other products do not. The LED display has the advantage of working and being easily seen under the sun's rays due to its high brightness capacity or in adverse conditions where rain is present.

In summary it can be said that this type of screens can work outdoors without interruption for unfavorable weather reasons, which is undoubtedly a point in their favor, so imagine what can be achieved with them under normal conditions.

Another aspect that is also noteworthy in this technology, and especially in the segment that is dedicated to shows, is the enormous capacity for innovation that has been achieved, of course, being also aware of the benefits that other technologies can also have.

Precisely to help us better elucidate the panorama of LED screens within the entertainment sector in Latin America, we invited two experts in the field, Edgardo Boqué, president of the Argentine company RGB Lighting Systems S.A., and Adrián Morel, general director of Lighthouse Technologies for Latin America.

"In terms of research and development in the sector, specifically LED screens, we have gone from digital to real high-tech system (Full HD). The bits have also been increased from 14 to 16, with 16 bits now being the standard (previously optional). In colorchromatic terms, it has gone from 4.4 trillion colors to 281 trillion colors. In terms of MESH or curtains, it has already ceased to be 8 bits with 16.7 million colors and are already between 10 and 14 bits. The LED manufacturer has also been improved, now the MESH can be found with CREE or NICHIA, "says Adrián Morel.

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For his part, the representative of the Argentine industry said: "I think the biggest change that has been presented (in terms of research and development) is the application of SMD 3 in 1 LEDs, for outdoor screens. The SMD 3 in 1 LEDs, which are surface mount leDs with a red, a green and a blue LED, within the same package, have grown a lot in luminosity and encapsulated resistant to water and UV rays were created, therefore they look very good even in direct sunlight and are resistant to weathering. Another novelty in screens for shows is the improvement and increase of the offer of flexible screens in different resolutions, and of very low weight".

What the experts recommend
When choosing LED technology it is necessary to be clear about what can be achieved with it, so we encourage our guests to give some recommendations to those who have in mind to install a system of this type.

The president of the company RGB Lighting Systems S.A. said that "although it is very difficult to recommend a certain product to a customer, indicating only the most mentioned specifications, such as resolution, luminosity, chip manufacturer, etc., since many manufacturers create great confusion with that issue and much worse is that large number of sellers, in general due to ignorance and some with bad intention, they give false information, especially regarding chips."

Therefore, our guest suggests buying only from prestigious and experienced manufacturers and distributors, who are the ones who can advise the client on what system is needed for each application, and in addition to being able to offer a real guarantee on the product.

"Of course when you think of the big brands, with their excellent products, you also think of high costs, which in many applications have to be assumed, although in recent years many new manufacturers appeared with very competitive products in price and with an outstanding quality, which in some regions took a good part of the market. However, I see that every day cheap products have less place, which necessarily have to be manufactured with poor quality components to obtain low costs and that end up having a very ephemeral useful life which transforms it into an unpresentable product in a short time, "says the Argentine guest.

Meanwhile, the general director of Lighthouse Technologies for Latin America agrees that "the recommendation for the customer who wants to install an LED screen is to communicate directly with the manufacturer or system integrators to obtain reliable and good source information. An LED screen seems easy at first glance, but it requires the consulting of a professional because they are very expensive equipment (on average they exceed US $ 250,000) and there is no room for mistakes. "

Balance sheet time
When talking about balance sheets so far in 2010 the figures, although they are not exorbitant, you can see a clear growth trend, and the representatives of the sector are optimistic about how the year will end.

"The entertainment sector in recent years has a moderate expansion in general, but LED screens are replacing certain sets and complementing very well the lighting of the shows that can be said to be an attractive market," says Boqué.

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For his part, Morel highlights that the Latin American sector has a very relevant importance and its own autonomy. For example, the same show that international music groups do is repeated in Latin America with the same technology.

As for the balance sheet left so far in 2010, Morel maintains that "it started well and is projected even better. Latin America has not been affected in the way that the United States, Europe and Asia have been, because Latin America has an economy with fewer bubbles and more solidity, because it is an economy with little emphasis on credit dependence. Logically there are fewer projects but they are more authentic," he concludes.

Santiago Jaramillo
Santiago JaramilloEmail: [email protected]
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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