How to achieve an exceptional communication experience in video conferencing rooms
Didiê Cunha*
When we communicate a message, we are conveying information. This information is not always understood as we would like. For our communication to be effective and have the desired effect, it is not enough to communicate. It is crucial that recipients understand what we say and understand what we mean simply and clearly.
To achieve this goal and have an exceptional communication experience in video conferencing environments, I have created a list that will give us a guide on how to achieve it. And it all starts with the user's behavior and posture.
Tips for meetings through AV conferences:
Inside the room:
• Respect and keep quiet when another person is talking.
• Discussions between more than 2 people are difficult to understand on the other side. Wait your turn to speak.
• Speak in a normal, clear and paused tone, try to articulate words well and speak in a way that facilitates understanding.
• Do not generate ambient noise, such as clicks or taps with the pen.
• Coffee is good, but the tapping of the spoon in the cup, or the cup in the saucer, can be extremely annoying on the other side of the video conference.
• Do not organize papers or perform other distracting activities that may be noisy.
• Avoid opening noisy wrappers during video conferencing, as they generate very uncomfortable noise.
• Turn off or put the phone in silent mode
Remotely with mobile device?
• Always mute the microphone when you're not talking.
• Look for a quiet place with good acoustics.
• Try to find a place with good cell phone or Wi-Fi signal to avoid interruptions.
• Avoid:
o Entering remote meetings in noisy environments, it will be difficult to hear and be heard.
o Places with a lot of reverberation.
o Using the speaker mode of the cell phone, when possible, this can affect the quality of the call.
And if possible:
Choose audio equipment with advanced auto-mixing and auto-activation features, such as Shure's MXA910 ceiling microphone array.
Try testing the equipment before entering the VC call. Try both your side and the opposite side. Every call can be different as each far end can bring unexpected surprises.
In conclusion, we will be in perfect communication when the recipients of our message understand exactly what we say and what we want to say.
Certainly, if we follow these recommendations we will have a better experience in our meetings.
* Didiê Cunha, Market Development Specialist, Installed Sound, in Shure of Brazil.