Latin America. The course of 2017 has been a successful period for the Bose company and its businesses in Latin America. With double-digit growth, its new systems well received by the region's market and loyal customers, have allowed the company to have an increasing presence.
AVI LATIONAMÉRICA spoke with Oriol Galofre, Bose director for Latam, who told what this success is due to and some of the novelties that the company will have in the region in terms of technology, which they will present at InfoComm Show in Orlando.
"Although the economic and political situation in some Latin American countries is not good, Bose has had a growth of 20% in the region, as a result of the effort made in the market with joint work with a network of stabilized distributors and end users who trust the brand and repeat with us in their new projects," Highlighted.
He assured that this growth has been generalized with the entire product line of the company, although the portable systems of the F1 line have given a boost to this growth. In addition, with the participation in important projects in spaces such as hotels, gyms, restaurants, among others. The company is also participating in the adaptation of the Titanium event center in Chile, in which it installed its Showmatch system.
In terms of technology, the company will have important news in the coming months. Among others, the new version of the Control Space system stands out, which was presented at the ISE fair last February and will be available in Latin America from October.
"At InfoComm Show in Orlando, we will have quite a few new products that follow the concept that sound systems should be aesthetically pleasing and even disappear into the installation. They are products with the Bose seal, innovative, made to serve an area that today is not served, "concluded Oriol Galofre.