Brazil. The computer and AV markets are becoming more and more mixed. Today, much of the audio, video, and automation products travel over IP networks. With that in mind, the Discabos Group becomes the new distributor of TP-LINK and offers first-class professional TCP/IP switches for the AV market.
The Discabos Group has been delivering IP audio and video signal transmission solutions since 2011. They were one of the pioneers in the Brazilian market with AVLIFE's HDMI over IP system. Today, they also feature audio and IP automation solutions.
Today, in addition to selling the equipment, they can configure and help the integrator choose the right network asset for the project, whether it's for video traffic, IP audio, to control devices through automation, to manage digital signage, or to do all this simultaneously.
Despite having a well-known name in the market, TP-LINK has a little-known history and a line of professional products that not everyone knows about.
The Discabos Group highlighted that "We are very pleased to close this new partnership and look forward to contributing to the development of both the IT market within the AV segment and the AV market within the IT segment."