Latin America. Discover how to streamline decision-making in meeting rooms through the use of an intuitive, secure, easy to install system with a high video quality that allows optimizing the use of space, in the next webinar that WILL be held by AVI LATINOAMÉRICA magazine with the company Arthur Holm.
DynamicShare is an ingenious solution that is integrated into the motorized monitors of Arthur Holm and Albiral, allowing the selection, distribution and control of different video signals without requiring the use of external systems, technical knowledge or preparation.
In charge of this webinar will be Montse Romero, Director of International Sales at Arthur Holm. She has worked at Albiral Display Solutions since 1995, always in the commercial and marketing areas. He has a BBA in Business Administration and Management, with a specialization in Finance. Currently pursuing a Master in Marketing and Sales Management.
This webinar will be held this Friday, October 4