Mexico. Infinet Wireless has implemented a point-to-point solution in Acapulco, Mexico, in order to offer connectivity for internet service and video transmission at the Acapulco Mundo Imperial Autocinema, the largest in Mexico.
The pandemic changed the lives of human beings, businesses and leisure activities; companies had to reinvent themselves and transform activities. For this reason, the Administradora Pacífico Imperial created a novel entertainment space in Mexico, the Autocinema Acapulco Mundo Imperial. The project seeks to support the participation of the film industry in the midst of the global crisis and make use of the best technology in: screens, sound and functional applications, through Infinet Wireless' PTP wireless connectivity.
With this technological implementation, the Autocinema Acapulco Mundo Imperial required connectivity throughout the entertainment area to connect the Internet service in more than ten points of sale and booths; and transport video data for security cameras, making it easier to monitor the movements of staff and attendees from the control center. The installation began in July of this year in an outdoor esplanade of more than 25 thousand square meters, where there was no type of installation or previous construction on which it could be supported; this adaptation was completed in August 2020. To date, the drive-in cinema is the largest in Mexico, has a capacity of up to 300 vehicles, more than a thousand people and manages to benefit hundreds of tourists and citizens, maintaining a "healthy distance".
For the above and due to the need of the project to quickly and securely implement a wireless network, it was proposed to design the installation of two links of the InfiLINK 2x2 LITE family of Infinet, with point-to-point unit of 5 GHz, achieving a good latency and continuity of the connectivity service in a flat terrain to have more than 10 points connected on the Internet and video transmission. This solution has a net performance of up to 180 Mbps, in frequency bands of 5 and 6 GHz in a space of 25 thousand square meters, being a reliable and future-proof network,
"Due to its experience and performance, we proposed to implement Infinet Wireless technology in the drive-in cinema, considering it as the best option in equipment for the quality, range, result in external areas, price and flexibility in its configurations; precisely what the client required to meet the connectivity needs of the first drive-in cinema in Acapulco. Our client, Grupo Mundo Imperial, is completely satisfied," said Rafael Cortez, CEO of Bemira S.A. de C.V.
The successful project was developed hand in hand with Avantec, official distributor of Infinet and the integrator Bemira, who made a design adjusted to the needs of the client, presented the planning, in addition, to identify the most suitable wireless solution for the project, which was robust and withstanded extreme weather conditions and delivered low latency.
"Our connectivity projects have been carried out through Bemira's integrations, making use of the best technology on the market, which has allowed us to maintain reliable and efficient telecommunications in cost and time. Now that we know the Infinet Wireless brand, we are sure that future projects will be carried out with wireless IW links and will be implemented hand in hand with local and certified integrators," added Eng. Simón Quiñones Orozco, project director of the Mundo Imperial Group.
Finally, Carlos De Lamadrid, director of new business at Infinet Latam added "A few years ago, auto cinemas fell into disuse with the consolidation of digital entertainment platforms, however, this year due to the pandemic, the autocinema modality returned as a safe alternative of leisure in public places. At Infinet Wireless we are proud to provide reliable connectivity with point-to-point solutions and to be part of the technological deployment of the Autocinema Acapulco Mundo Imperial, a place that today is a trend in Mexico."