Mexico. No one can deny that Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Hey Google! they are changing the way we relate to certain gadgets in our environment. But the future, according to the company Multimedia de México, announces that voice recognition will drastically change our association with technology and therefore, our lifestyle.
Let's think that these platforms will be able to interpret our tone of voice: to know if we are sad, angry, distressed or in a situation of danger and therefore act accordingly. A time is coming when not only algorithms will understand what is said, but also the way it is said. Tonal inflection and all other features that add meaning to the spoken word will become part of the comprehension process.
By increasing the amount of data and improving its analysis (the so-called Big Data), we see the application of natural language processing (NLP) directly on audio data, instead of applying it to transcriptions of audio data. Humans interpret sounds that form words, without having to convert to text. Think of learning a foreign language; that's the voice recognition revolution.
In the future, virtual assistants will dominate our everyday lives, as voice will help us communicate with our appliances, such as alarm systems, lights, sound systems, and even kitchen appliances. Hands-free mobility will play a key role in hospitals, laboratories and manufacturing units. In addition, we will have intelligent cars guided by voice, entertainment and location-based searches.
Here's something really important: every human being has a truly unique vocal imprint; our voice is unlike anyone else's. It's like our digital footprint. Predictions suggest that artificial intelligence machines could recognize and identify any human being in real time. Have you noticed that certain banks already ask you for a voice ID over the phone? Well, what we say, what we record on the web or on social networks are already part of our profile and make up a conglomerate of correlated data to be used in our personal profile, whether we do it consciously or unconsciously. Of course, there are many questions about security, privacy and anonymity.
And it is that for now we have adapted to voice recognition, because the voice commands for now have followed an archaic and certainly rigid code. In the future, systems will be able to recognize our orders no matter how different they are from one day to the next.
The voice will be the big boss in the technology that is coming and this will happen faster than we imagine. We live in an era of magic and emotions.
Multimedia already integrates corporate and residential systems with voice recognition as the guiding axis in control and automation systems.