Latin America. Global statistics confirm a growing concern, since half of the world's population does not have access to the Internet, this added to the "digital divide" that exists between developed and underdeveloped nations, requires attention to be able to provide opportunities for social inclusion and economic growth that only universal access to the Internet can offer.
According to the International Telecommunication Union,Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Global Report Facts and Figures 2016, "The most recent data show that in 2016, more than two-thirds of the population lives within areas covered by mobile broadband networks and that ICT services continue to become more affordable. Despite these unprecedented opportunities, more than half of people are still not Internet users and there are still large differences in speeds and bandwidth quality."
The IEEE (Global Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), is the largest technical professional organization dedicated to the advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity, which led and participated in different sessions at the 11th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held at the end of 2016 in the City of Guadalajara, Mexico, to promote the theme, "Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Growth." The forum provided an open space for interested audiences from around the world to engage in public policy conversations on current Internet governance challenges as well as the latest developments.
The Internet has enabled enormous innovation, economic growth and social benefits, and its future benefits for humanity offer an even greater opportunity. With new advances in technologies impacting the Internet and public policy issues, such as security, privacy, and identity management, it is increasingly important for the technical community to provide a solid and impartial perspective and knowledge from its subject that understands the public policy landscape.
The IEEE made public its Position on Universal Internet Access, endorsing the goal of universal access to the Network of Networks and supporting collaborations designed to make it available to billions of people around the world who do not have access to the Internet. This policy mentions that, "Promoting universal access to the Internet is inherent in the mission of the IEEE, which seeks to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity."
In connection with its mission, the IEEE created an Internet Initiative, as a multidisciplinary, multi-domain community that connects the technical community with the creation of public policies for Internet governance, cybersecurity, and privacy, to inform and discuss the assurance of technology solutions and best practices. Through its initiative, the IEEE collaborates with organizations globally to help them improve their knowledge of technology, its implications and impact on Internet governance issues, and to raise awareness of public policy issues and processes in the global technical community.
The IEEE Internet Initiative has organized and participated in events around the world, convening government officials and leaders from the technical community, development in banking, industry in general, non-governmental organizations and civil associations, as well as other relevant actors in the work for the acceleration of inclusive Internet connectivity, of public and private sectors.
The collaboration has included partners such as Global Connect, ITU (United Nations Organization for ICT), The Internet Society (ISOC), People Centered Internet, UNESCO, the International Economic Forum and the World Bank Group, along with politicians and technologists, among others. Discussions on how to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth have focused on issues such as Internet access and its affordability for social inclusion and economic growth, as well as privacy and security. In addition to opportunities in new services, improved productivity, real-time decision-making and new business models, the shift to universal connectivity, the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the adaptation of ICT in new industries, are bringing to the forefront a complex set of issues that require regional solutions.
In April of last year, the IEEE and the World Bank Group held a ceremony, an interactive event where stakeholders reviewed real solutions to extend affordable and meaningful access to the Internet in underdeveloped and marginalized communities. A report provided the basis for dialogue at the United Nations (UN) during the Science, Technology and Innovation Forum in June 2016, where participants foresaw challenges, identified promising opportunities and discussed how to work as a team to advance the goal of connecting the unconnected population in a meaningful way to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, for its acronym in English). Two recent Internet of Inclusion events in India and the United States continued with discussions on solutions to address regional challenges and opportunities to connect the unconnected.
With the NEUTRAL POSITION OF THE IEEE and its strong convening and collaborating capacity through hundreds of engineers, scientists, industry leaders, and other stakeholders committed to a number of global domains, the IEEE Internet Initiative continues to build a community of technology and policy experts that address specific issues including options and challenges for Internet inclusion.
Text written by Karen McCabe, Senior Director of Technology Policy and International Affairs at the IEEE Standards Association (Global Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).