Thursday, 25 November 2010 09:32
Knowhouse and MID, two Spanish companies specialized in technology and interactivity applied to communication, have collaborated together to create the first social network at the point of sale: the perfect place to interact with potential consumers. The objective: to achieve a two-way communication, a form of social interaction, a dialogue between people or customers within the same point of experience.
With this system, users/clients/people, within the same space, will have the possibility to interact with other people even if they do not know each other. The system is fully open and is built with the opinion of each user.
The first unit of this new social network has been implemented in the Urbany Hostels Barcelona, one of the most important Hostels in Europe. He has been the first to detect the need to treat the customer on a more personal level, in his own space and through the use of new technologies.
This new use of the social network at the point of sale allows the public /shopper to create messages in video/text format and allows to establish links with other users in this same social network. Obviously, and thanks to the strength of online social networks, the user / shopper will be able to share their information on Facebook, for now. In addition, the user will receive an email every time their message is answered or commented.
The system integrates HD video camera, touch screen, virtual keyboard and usability designed to encourage dialogue. Its operation is very simple: the user registers, accesses his profile and instantly publishes the message he wants (either in video or text format).
In addition, the system also meets a real need that is setting trends in recent times and gives it a differential value: Digital Signage. In fact, Digital Signage is becoming a means to take into account to communicate relevant information, offers, promotions or news in different environments. In this sense, the system, when it is not being used by the user, reproduces content and tactical messages to strengthen the communication of the company in its spaces of maximum influence.
With this new integration, the user is no longer a simple passive spectator, but becomes a content creator. In this way, the experience does not reside in the technology itself but in the people and the feeling of belonging to a large community with common interests.