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For a smart lifestyle

Optimizing the consumption of energy resources through the automation of spaces is possible thanks to technological advances in space automation, LED lighting technologies and systems for the management of everyday processes.

By David Talero*

Along with technological progress and its daily and permanent application in our environment, new and special needs arise. The constant social changes and the new trends in style and quality of life demand new and innovative solutions from technology that allow to control and make a more efficient use in terms of functionality and saving of the available tools and resources. Every day our world is more demanding in terms of savings and efficiency.

As a solution, technological systems have developed different devices capable of remotely controlling all types of equipment without having to touch them directly. The new way of living day to day has been developing in a simpler way thanks to different automated processes that we can find today in the market; systems such as infrared controls, wireless technologies, bluetooth, among others are proof of the need to extend our operating capacity beyond physical limitations.

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Thanks to the automation of living spaces (home automation and inmotics), these processes of saving and optimizing energy consumption are now feasible. Through these systems, you can intelligently manage lighting equipment, air conditioning, irrigation systems, audio and video devices, access controls and remote monitoring, automation of electromechanical equipment, among others. In this way, a better use of the resources available in the environment is made, generating not only energy savings but also achieving greater efficiency of them.

One of the most important purposes in a process of automation of living spaces is to maintain a maximum point of comfort and quality of life achieving greater efficiency (better results with less use of resources). By having an environment adapted enough to develop our daily tasks, our performance and productivity are greater and simultaneously focuses on important and care tasks, leaving aside routine and repetitive processes, therefore our life is positively affected.

Although the implementation of these technologies has initially occurred in the field of housing and mainly focused on comfort, quality and lifestyle in a personalized way; as mentioned above, through immotic automation are managed through an intelligent control system, specialized processes focused on security, savings, and efficient operation, in different environments such as common areas of buildings, hotels, museums, shopping centers, hospitals, offices, restaurants and cafes, air and transport terminals, jobs and in general all kinds of transit environments or occasional occupation.

Among the advantages offered by inmotics, in addition to the benefits that the automation of the environment brings, we also find the benefits offered by the optimization of systems and everything related to the applications and functionalities in telecommunications.

With the centralization of building or environmental data, in addition to helping to make effective use of energy resources, there are different benefits with inmotics; for building owners, for example, attractive projects can be developed with custom designs while achieving large reductions in infrastructure, operation and implementation costs; for those who live in the building, security, monitoring and remote control schemes are implemented through automation very hand in hand with a comfort offer.

In addition, for maintenance personnel who through the stored information and subsequent analysis, can prevent possible damages or malfunctions; and for security personnel, facilitating and complementing their tasks in order to make them much more efficient. You can also integrate specialized solutions for management, control and supervision from web and mobile applications, for various devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers among others.

According to Mauricio Buriticá, CEO and founder of B-Smart, a pioneer in Colombia in the development of automation solutions for spaces, "implementing automation technological processes in different environments implies providing a service where the main objective is the comfort of who experiences or experiences the application, to generate as a result, greater satisfaction and therefore greater efficiency in the development of their daily tasks".

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For those individuals who work in intelligent spaces, these systems are a key tool for the development of their tasks and activities, since through the stored information, a better follow-up of the different processes integrated within the automation will be made.

For entrepreneurs in general it is important to reduce production and operating costs, which is possible by improving the conditions of the work environment and environment to generate greater performance, increase productivity, increasing their safety systems and that of their employees, in addition to achieving a greater positioning and exhibition of their products, through the correct adaptation of its commercial premises, among others.

In highly industrialized countries, these smart management channels are being implemented in all kinds of environments, from smart houses and apartments, through buildings, offices, hotels, hospitals and universities, to entire cities.

The way technology helps to generate savings is not only in the reduction of costs and otimization of the consumption of different resources, but in itself automation makes that as a society we can use tools that facilitate decision making in a timely and effective way.

Technology provides us with a comfortable, safe and efficient lifestyle to occupy our time in activities of greater relevance. As you can see, this new trend implies a generational change, which makes energy savings possible, through automation systems.

Under this new trend, it is possible to really influence the care of the environment, not only from the cultural change, but from the optimization of daily processes, and without the need to drastically or dramatically change our lifestyle.

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In this way, technology becomes an intelligent, valuable and functional tool to achieve an important social change and impose a new lifestyle, where the automation of spaces, allows to maintain certain levels of comfort and comfort increasing, under high standards of safety and efficiency, without neglecting that in turn it allows to optimize the consumption of energy resources in a tangible and direct way.

*David Talero, is the marketing manager of the company B-Smart.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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