Latin America. According to statistics from different countries around the world, STEM occupations are growing significantly faster compared to the growth rate of other professions. This means that most of the new jobs will be in STEM fields, and teachers have to prepare students for a workforce that will be very different from the current one.
Boxlight supporting this effort, celebrates its second stage of its second annual Boxlight STEM Day Latin America. On March 15, students from different schools along with a portable STEM Labdisc lab will be able to join a hands-on research-based learning event, designed to help them learn important STEM skills.
This year, students from Latin America will use the Labdisc data logger to conduct experiments examining the relationship between speed, time, and distance. They will also analyze distance graphs as a function of time.
For the activity, students will use the Labdisc distance sensor, which measures distances from 0.4 to 10 meters. The sensor transmits an ultrasonic wave that travels through the air, hits an object, and then echoes toward the sensor. The Labdisc uses the time that elapses between the transmission of the sound and the reception of its echo to calculate the distance.
Boxlight's "STEM Day" is about raising awareness about research-based learning and STEM education. We developed the activity around Labdisc because it simulates the tools that students will use when they enter the workforce. In addition, it allows them to take activity outside the classroom or the conventional lab, leading them to experience the real world to better understand how STEM disciplines apply to the world around them," said Sunshine Nance, Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Boxlight.