Colombia. With 5,750 participants and approximately 80 brands, the TecnoMultimedia Infocomm, TecnoTelevisión & Radio and DataNet fairs concluded one of the most important events in trends in the audiovisual industry, automation, radio and television production and IT infrastructure, at the Gran Salón de Corferias, in Bogotá.
Being the ninth edition of TecnoMultimedia InfoComm, the eleventh edition of TecnoTelevisión and the first edition of DataNet, the fairs innovated with "specialized conference programs, multimedia systems, automation, digital signage and control rooms. A universe of parallel industries was built so that the integrator can see solutions and in turn can offer that to their customers," said Max Jaramillo, Director of TecnoMultimedia InfoComm, TecnoTelevisión & Radio and DataNet Andino.
DataNet Andino joined this event as an expert business congress in the IT Industry, infrastructure for networks and data centers. According to Alejandra García, Project Manager of this exhibition, the integration of this event with TecnoMultimedia InfoComm is due to the fact that the organizers of the event saw a great opportunity: "Those technologies and professional audio and video installations had to have an important support in the IT area to be even more successful".
This year, for the first time, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications was present with the inaugural conference Emerging Technologies: Back to Basics, the human factor, by Eduardo Fajardo, Deputy Director (e) of Sectoral Digitalization of the Ministry of ICT of Colombia. There the Digital Economy was presented as the great revolution of humanity necessary for technological adoption.
Within the framework of TecnoMultimedia Infocomm, in addition, one of the most impressive digital art exhibitions that have been seen in Latin America took place. This is the Infinity Room that allowed attendees to experience an immersion with audiovisual technology. At the same time and during the three days of the event, 7 specialized rooms took place within the professional training program of the fair that brought together 1,262 participants.
For its part, TecnoTelevisión & Radio, an event focused on the production of radio, video television, reaffirms that more and more the industry must adapt to technologies and forms of transmission. "Many distributors became integrators, that is, they provide the complete solution. The industry has generated a great change because transmission is now multiscreen," said Adriana Ramírez, Project Manager of TecnoTelevisión & Radio.
In addition to the massive attendance of professionals related to the industries of the three events, also the technology and business journalists had a special activity in which they toured the fair in a guided way behind closed doors, before the inauguration. This activity was attended by 28 journalists.
With the participation of entrepreneurs from the Andean Region, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, the United States, Asia and France, among others, these events served as catalysts for new business in the segments related to technology for companies.
"All fairs are a motivator to review the progress of innovation. The orange economy has a need to integrate technologies and companies must stop thinking that they only create boxes, because in themselves they are providers of solutions, "said the Head of Marketing and speaker of TecnoTelevisión & Radio, José María Noriega.
The TecnoMultimedia InfoComm series of events thus ends its 2018 cycle and is preparing for the next event in Brazil, on April 2, 3 and 4, 2019. In Mexico from August 14 to 16 and in Colombia, the appointment will be on October 22, 23 and 24 of next year.
-1 matriz 4x4 y 1 matriz 4x2 En los dos casos hemos tenido problemas con la transmisión del contenido, a veces solo recibe audio y a veces solo video. En lo general recibe el contenido normal constantemente nos habla el cliente para reportarnos estas fallas
ya revisamos cableados, la configuración de las matrices y extenders, el EDID etc.
no sabemos porque pasa, hemos pensado que los contenidos al venir de diferentes fuentes (2 sky, un grabador dvr y una mac mini) prender y apagar equipos causan estas fallas.
A su experiencia que creen que pueda ser?
saludos y muchas gracias