International. The Global Presence Alliance, GPA, held its annual summit event from 28 to 30 October 2019, in Cape Town, South Africa, this year called Future of Workspace.
All participants joined the agenda and exchanged ideas with their GPA peers. Some partners frequently work together on global AV integration projects or as part of working groups set up to support shared customers, but others aren't seen as often, so everyone enjoyed both formal and informal updates in this growing organization.
Much to learn, much to tell
Representatives who attended Cape Town condensed their newly acquired knowledge and will share it with their own company's staff as soon as they arrive home after the summit. It is often because of this momentum that disruptive projects are launched to solve shared challenges together as an international team. It also happens frequently that new technologies are presented to a wider audience during the GPA summit, which helps not only member companies, but also improves the overall quality of service for their customers.
To mention just a few elements of the program, they were able to hear updates on the Velocity project, the future of work, and how it can be augmented by AV and collaboration technology, and held several work sessions and workshops. Overall, there was so much to listen, learn, and share for everyone.
No summit is complete without guest speakers and presentations on disruptive ideas and novel approaches to doing business. One of the speakers who had the GPA summit this year was Richard Mulholland, who is not only great at giving presentations, but even trains CEOs and TED speakers on how to act in an engaging and memorable way.
Next up was Valter Adão, who is Deloitte's Director of Digital Innovation and Innovation for Africa, who focused on hyper-coordination and the future of work. They also featured Mike Bedford, Chief Technical Officer of Hoare Lea, who spoke about his vision of how buildings should not be powered by technology, but rather provide user-centric experiences and some insights into how AV can help achieve such experiences for customers.
Last but not least was Kay Sargent, who is HOK's global director for workPlace's practice and they heard more about their experiences of past initiatives, lessons learned, and everything that is planned for the future in the modern workplace sphere.