Latin America. Smart buildings are digitally interconnected infrastructures under an IoT architecture that combine building optimization and operational automation with intelligent space management, in order to improve the user experience, increase productivity, reduce both fixed and operational costs, and reduce both physical and digital security risks.
Among its main features is the creation and implementation of solutions for the efficient management of energy based on its use, predictive maintenance thus reducing corrective maintenance and therefore the associated costs, the analysis of data in real time from all sectors of the building, where the use of intelligent sensors in alarms is found, air quality, structural integrity, use and management of space based on real-time counting of people and access control; among many others.
On the other hand, among the total costs of a building during its operation, only 20% corresponds to the construction of it and the remaining 80% is divided into 40% in energy costs, 30% in maintenance and 10% in miscellaneous costs.
Additionally, based on one of the latest reports from the international energy agency, in 2019 the speed with which the use of electrical energy in buildings is being reduced has decreased in recent years, from around 2% in 2015 to an estimated minimum of 0.6% in 2018, which is significantly lower than the target set for a sustainable development scenario (SDS) of 2.5% in 2018.
Current offers an integral LED solution under an IoT platform in its luminaires, where through the network architecture Daintree is able to operate a portfolio of solutions for intelligent buildings, operating automatically and remotely, controlling lighting, temperature, the occupation of spaces between different sensors and devices, such as fans, water heaters, air compressors and refrigeration equipment. Additionally, this system is able to increase the productivity and comfort of the personnel who use these buildings, significantly reducing operating expenses along the way.