Latin America. The crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic brought with it consequences for the Contact Centers of companies. Isolation and the mandatory Home-Office forced companies to find ways to automate and make more efficient the processes of their customer service areas.
A recent study by Aivo, the Artificial Intelligence company applied to Customer Service, pointed out that before the pandemic, 70% of companies' conversations with their customers were carried out by telephone, and currently, only 30% of them have this format and the other conversations take place on digital instant messaging platforms and social networks.
"This has pushed companies to improve their telephone service channels, because despite the fact that digital trends are increasing, companies continue to require experts in contact centers to attend to the most complex queries of their customers, and despite the large volume of queries that can currently be attended by conversational bots, human agents are still overwhelmed by the workload," said Martín Frascaroli, CEO and Founder of Aivo.
Voice is a Voice Artificial Intelligence solution from Aivo, which analyzes, understands and resolves customer service queries by telephone. Voice automates calls and reduces phone traffic to human agents. The tool maintains open dialogues with the user and resolves queries instantly, without the need for endless option menus.
Voice has a conversational Artificial Intelligence engine that understands the intent of users' queries and talks to them as if they were a human, naturally and fluently. The technology is integrated with Google Transcription Services, so that it can transcribe and interpret the customer's question, and gives greater naturalness to the dialogues with the high-fidelity voices and Text To Speech technology of Google Wavenet, Amazon AWS Polly and Microsoft.
Aivo's voice AI technology holds open conversations, and keeps listening active, so the user can interrupt the virtual agent and get the response they would receive from a human agent. Voice has a real-time understanding capability that allows you to increase the compression accuracy of queries up to 70%.
When the Voice virtual agent considers the user's query to have a level of complexity that requires an expert's attention, then it channels the conversation to a human agent. This reduces the workload of experts so they can devote more attention to queries that really require it.
In addition to simplifying and automating routine, repetitive incoming calls, such as requests for statements, invoices, information about service centers or branches, and increasing the productivity of work teams in contact centers, Voice also contacts customers proactively and personalized through outgoing calls, such as a sales agent or automated, and in this way it also frees up the workload of the human agent, so that Voice can be the one who makes debt collection calls, reports on new products and services or order confirmations.
"Our goal is to give people back their time, and when we say this, we also mean the work teams of the Contact Centers in companies. Voice is another Artificial Intelligence tool that will allow us to help both companies and their customers to have more fluid, decisive and satisfying conversations, so that we can comply with our motto, "concluded Frascaroli.