Argentina. Researchers at the University of Buenos Aires managed to establish that loud sound affects memory and learning mechanisms in rats. And since these animals have a nervous system similar to that of humans, the consequences could be similar.
In the Center for Pharmacological and Botanical Studies, Cefybo, the agency in charge of doing the research, they subjected the animals used to noises between 95 and 97 decibels, higher than what is called safe that is between 70 and 80 decibels, and after two hours of exposure they began to identify alterations.
The chosen rats were between 15 and 30 days old, compared to people between six and 22 years old, ages at which it is more common to listen to loud music and the use of hearing aids.
The study, published in the journal Brain Research, concluded that the problems caused by loud sound may be greater when subjected to a very loud sound once than when the sound is loud but prolonged over time, such as that produced by headphones or in nightclubs.
The study highlights that the consequences that high sound brings for humans, and that are known, are auditory and cardiovascular alterations, but changes in the brain had never been detected for this cause, although it has not been established if the damage is due to noise vibrations or if noise activates neurotransmitters that produce the damage.