Colombia. AVIXA, with the support of Audio-Technica, will hold from March 15 to 17, 2018 in Bogotá, Colombia, the face-to-face course - "Network Technology", Everything an AV/IT professional should know about TI/AV.
This course will allow participants to:
● Review how to discuss AV network requirements with IT professionals.
● Compare and contrast the most common network transmission protocols for AV.
● Interpret IP addresses and subnets.
● Identify security threats to the network and the pertinent measures to be taken.
● Use common network diagnostic and basic network troubleshooting tools.
Target audience: AV professionals who design, implement, maintain or manage networked AV systems, including:
• Designers who use network infrastructure for the transport or control of the signal.
• Installers who connect AV equipment to networks or configure them.
• Service providers that solve problems in networked systems.
• Candidates for any CTS exam who need to study more about networking.
• Students interested in taking the advanced course of Networked AV Systems in the future.
• Any AV professional who wants to prepare for the VA of the future.
Date: from 15 to 17 March 2018 (Thursday to Saturday)
Time: from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Holiday Inn Bogotá Airport
Avenida Calle 26 # 69D – 91,
Bogota, Colombia
Take advantage of discounted values and reserve your place now.