International. Although 75% of the videos consumed on the Internet are short and often of low quality, especially those that show particular situations, this trend tends to change in the coming years.
This was revealed by the study "The power of relevance", presented by the director of Yahoo's US research division, Tony Marlow, during the Ficod Digital Content Forum held in Madrid, Spain.
He indicated that the consumption of professional video online tends to increase because people can access more and more movies and TV series on portals such as Netflix and Hulu.
In addition, because with the growing trend of online advertising, commercials must be in high quality video so that they have a greater impact among Internet users.
These would be one of the reasons why the consumption of online video in prime time television increased by 33% during this year in the United States compared to 2009, the year in which the demand for Internet video decreased between six in the afternoon and nine at night.
According to the study, which was done through 4,100 surveys in the United States, the consumption of television content through the web increased by 72% in the last two years, while that of films reached 50%.