Rovio, the robot commanded by Wowwees WiFi, is a robot for video surveillance. Commanded through WiFi from a PC, Smartphone or tablet, this robot has a webcam that allows you to record video and audio in a 360-degree environment.
Mounted on three wheels capable of spinning on themselves, Rovio can move throughout the space independently. Your camera can be raised when activated and thus make a complete sweep of the rooms.
It is completely programmable, which allows you to perform activities tailored to each user.
Its WiFi connection allows you to control it from anywhere in the world through Smartphone, tablet or computer devices. The robot is able to detect the configuration of the equipment and guide the user for its configuration.
The mobile camera allows you to see and hear the same as the robot. With a programming that allows you to establish reference points for Rovio to control the home without the need for constant supervision.
The robot self-connects to the charging base, even when no one is at home. To guide itself in the dark, it has LED headlights at its base.