One of the characteristics of the audiovisual industry is its diversity and possibility of impacting multiple sectors with its solutions. Therefore, you should be attentive to developments that seem to have no relation to this industry, but end up being integrated into AV solutions.
AV integrators need to keep abreast of the needs of each of the sectors they serve, such as trends in administration, education, marketing, just to mention a few, and not only in technology, in order to offer integral solutions that provide innovation and according to the moment we live.
A clear example is the development of artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, deep learning, internet of things, concepts that are today in full development and impacting all sectors of the economy that participate in this digital evolution that we live and of which the AV industry also participates and is the protagonist, as a natural consequence of technology.
In order to keep up with the latest trends, training is essential. From AVI LATINOAMÉRIA we do not tire of repeating the need to be in constant updating and training that allows to achieve a lasting development of the industry.
In AVI LATIONAMÉRICA we seek to contribute to this training with our webinars, specialized articles, as well as the different summits that are being held within the framework of the InfoComm fairs in Latin America and the roadshow that begins this year in Peru. We invite you to keep an eye out for our constant training opportunities in the region.
And are you ready for the moment we live in today?