Mexico. For the client to take advantage of Big Data, it is necessary to create a data system, integrated with the traditional information bank, which allows generating new insights about what is already in hand. If the customer would like to get improvements in their services, sales and products, they will need to open their mind for Big Data, which is a large amount of data, with great volume and variety to be analyzed quickly.
According to the company Comstor, supervising and coordinating the results of known data must be coordinated with the analysis of agile data, because in this way it will open the way for new perceptions, thus making the client manage to create a flow between the dynamic discovery and the execution of Big Data, which will give him an advantage over his competition.
This platform has become an important piece in the business ecosystem where a new way of operating what is already known is sought, being a model of constant improvement. With that, the information can be worked before being used, rationalized or even linked to Big Data technologies, making feedback and advanced analysis faster and more efficient, made by the company's own administrators.
That way, it is possible to get an answer for a problem in a matter of hours, which previously took days. The alliance between data management and data analysis, which previously belonged to different departments, is necessary for the principle of Big Data to work. Many times, the company already has the equipment and everything necessary to start that implementation of the new concept.
The use of this data analysis tool has grown rapidly, causing most retail companies to use this technology to create strategies and strengthen themselves in the market, in a short period of time. Among the innumerable possibilities of using data analysis in an optimized way, it is perceived that increasing sales, making customers loyal and reducing costs are the main points that lead a company to want to invest in Big Data.
Applying the techniques of this technology is particular for each market segment, as they are very broad applications, which allow us to perceive what is the need for a certain scenario, making decisions so that the technologies facilitate the applications. Care must be analyzed and taken so that the idiom does not make companies implement these technologies before planning and know what are the objectives to be achieved, making the investment adequate to have the desired return. Using the most accurate analysis, it is possible to offer customers products and services in unusual periods, thus increasing the alliance and contact with the customer.
Using the Big Data tool will make the company centralize all the information in a single server. In this way, it will allow all employees to offer useful information and feed the database, facilitating and speeding up the planning of any novelty intended for the company, such as new projects or launches, making them based on the correct analysis of data.
In addition to saving time, it saves financially, because in this way there is a reduction in the time of correction of errors, and on the other hand, problems can arise when the analysis is not done correctly, or manually without automation. With the right analysis, it is possible to clearly see incorrect data, or unfavorable responses or the expected response, allowing investments to be directed to obtain a higher return.
In this context, costs decrease in the operational part and there is a greater optimization of the company's financial resources. The use of Big Data can also bring an improvement in the relationship with the client, allowing help in any decision making, making the company stand out positively in the market not only for the competition, but for the relationship, generating a gradual and constant growth.
Much is questioned about the difference between traditional data analysis and Big Data. As already said, to obtain the results expected from this technology it is necessary that they walk hand in hand and in addition to that, it is necessary to break certain organizational boundaries and create a sector where organizations in IT and business news work together, because only when there is that integration will it be possible to obtain a successful strategy in Big Data.
First of all, it is necessary to know that that time invested is something that will bring good results and make a difference in the business. From the organization to the relationship with the customer and suppliers, decision-making will be done with greater support, taking the company to a surprising point of prominence.