Mexico. Verifying the productivity of a team and individually verifying what the efficiency of each member is, are the purposes of managers who implement measures to verify the potential of each employee who acts in the implementation of IT solutions.
Therefore, the company Comstor, one of the main wholesalers of Cisco technology, pointed out what are the measures for IT solution implementation teams. The definition of the measures also helps to create goals and so that some tasks are specifically for a certain professional profile.
A research conducted in 2014 by Tasktop, a software development company, points out which parameters ARE THAT IT implementation professionals prefer to be verified. For 27% of them, the best index would be occupancy time. For 17.7% the activities completed and delivered; 16.5% prefer it to be the value of tasks; 15.7% agility, this being the time used to perform each task, and finally 14.5% say that it should be the number of focus alterations and interruptions. Companies consider these factors, each in its order of priority, in addition to others such as code quality.
Occupancy time would be the number of hours the developer takes to perform a job that was assigned to them, taking into consideration delays and interruptions throughout the process. This measure helps to mark, for example, how long it will be necessary for the development of an activity and when it comes to collecting the value from the client, it is possible to know the delivery time or size the size of the team for each project. It also helps the manager identify non-productive activities.
Already the complete activities, can be considered the RC (Release Candidates), which are the versions finalized for approval and that may or may not be the final versions of a program. Through this measure, it is possible to identify if the equipment is using time efficiently, once the material it will need is delivered.
The value of tasks is related to the complexity of programming. For simpler implementations, the speed of delivery and the quality of programs will be higher, and therefore, there needs to be a score rate that validates, if the demand will demand more from the team to deliver something greater, but using more time, without prioritizing other activities.
The speed of delivery is also a very important point for managers, who as mentioned above, need to measure the size of the project to value it in front of the client. The less time in the development of an activity, the greater the possibilities that a programmer has to start a new task.
Therefore, the demand anticipates an implementation to be faster if there are flaws in the codes or bugs. Speed must go hand in hand with quality, to achieve significant high efficiency rates for managers.
Finally, a measure is needed that is able to validate the number of interruptions and shifts in focus. Especially in smaller teams, where there is dependence on a programmer, the number of times a person stops or changes tasks will delay a project and can increase the number of errors, since the line of reasoning is interrupted.
For a productive day's work, the developers interviewed for Tasktop's research say five factors are essential:
- Complete tasks and deliver goals: 53.2%.
- No interruptions and distractions: 50.4%
- No meetings: 21.9%.
- Have clear goals for the day: 19.9%.
- Plan the workday: 17.2%.
The research also asked what programmers consider productive or unproductive in a workday. "Meetings" accounted for 57.9% of responses to unproductive questions, followed by reading and responding
e-mails, with 18.8%. In that list still appear: unplanned work, coding and need to read and write reports. Among productive issues, the main one is the programming itself, with 71.5% of the votes.
They are simple measures to be implemented and verified, generating significant data for the management of a business, focused on the development of programs, software, games and other tools in IT. The team can be consulted so that these factors are drawn together, being clear and objective in each of them. In addition to a participatory action, employees will be able to observe their goals and know the main ways to achieve them.