International. After the demonstrations carried out by the network of installers to different parishes throughout the Spanish geography, there have been several responsible parish priests who have made the decision to opt for the FBT digital solution.
With twice the performance of the solutions provided so far in that sector, and with a lower price, the vertus digital series opens the market in those facilities where the reverberant environment is a problem: (churches, train or bus stations, airports)
Its control of angulation and opening of the sound beam provides a solution to this problem. Thanks to the free management and simulation software provided by the manufacturer FBT Line Array Management, it is possible to make the system adjustments in offline mode during the engineering process, and then dump the configuration to the columns. Its built-in DSP with five configurable filters such as parametric, high pass, pass, delay line and gain control of each of the speakers, offers a precise level of adjustment for each type of installation.
The church of the Cordobés village of Encinas Reales is the example of this type of audio solution, in which the distributor AG Distribuciones Tecnológicas has installed two DLA 804 A loudspeakers, achieving an unbeatable result.